Just Flexin’

Blings ‘n’ Things for March 2021

Here are some pictures of submitted pictures and descriptions from club members wanting to share. All in alphabetic order according to call sign.

From AI4RC

01 – On the left is an Yaesu FT 450, MFJ 4225 power supply, MFJ IntelliTuner , Tigertronics Signal Link, Bencher By -1 iambic paddle.
On the right is the uhf vhf equipment. Kenwood TM-V71 and Yaesu FT-1900.The 1900 is connected to a Tiny Trak 4 for Winlink and anotherMFJ 4425 power supply
For antennas I run a G5RV, Hustler vertical and 2 uhf vhf ground plane antennas.
The HF equipment and the uhf vhf are on separate circuits so both stations can be operated without worrying about tripping a breaker

02 – My shack is separate from the house in this 12×14 building, insulated, heated and cooled

03 – Inside the radio equipment on the left and workbench and tools on the right


Started in 1986 with the Yeasu FRG-8000 Receiver
Yaesu FT-900/AT
Yaesu FT-991A

From W4BEA

Here’s my “shack”: a corner of a table in the family room. It consists of a TekPower power supply and an Icom 7300 and Mr. Potato Head (whose RF function is yet to be determined, but Bea likes it).. Not shown is an inline SWR/power meter and the 6 coax (i’m wildly optimistic about antenna growth) window feedthru. The rig connects via 100′ of LMR240 coax to a homebrew 40m EFHW in the side yard. Tuning the antenna was frustratingly educational but I learned a lot about Smiths charts. I tuned it with a NanoVNA, a great little tool that could have pride of place in
any ham’s tool kit.
So maybe I’m not “flexing” on my shack, but looking for sympathy HI HI – Jim

From W4VMU

Left to Right…

  1. Scanner on top of LDG  turner
  2. Yaesu FT-450D with an Yaesu FT-2900  on top
  3. TYT MD-380  and a Anytone 878 DMR  dual band
  4. Computer under the table
  5. Three Power/SWR meters
  6. Juentai JT-6188Mini dual band
  7. Yaesu desk  mike for the Yaesu FT-450D
  8. Computer keyboard
  9. DC power supply is behind the computer monitor.

From W4XXV

Yaesu FT-8100
Kit built 222 Mhz Transverter

Ten-Tec Omni VII
RTL-SDR for IF our of Ten-Tec for waterfall
LDG AT-ProII Autotuner

Comet GP-15 (6m, 2m, 70cm)
J-Pole antenna (1.25m)
G3TXQ Hexagonal Beam by K4KIO (6,10,12,15,17,20m)
80m OCF Dipole (6 thru 80m, no 60 or 160)

Alinco DM-330MV
Chunzehui F-1005 power distribution panel
Low-Loss PWRgate by FlintHills
Deep-Cycle Marine battery


External Speaker
Custom – Micca center channel speaker driven by cheap amplifier and Kenwood car audio EQ


Total height of tower is about 55 feet.
It has 4-Dipole antennas — 160 meter; 80 meter; 40 meter; and 20 meter.
Then, the beam is a Hy-Gain 1217, covers the 12 and 17 meter bands.
The beam at the very top is for the Cushcraft 627013S 6-meter band ; 2- meter and 440.
Hope to replace the 20 and 40 Dipoles with my Cushcraft AS3 which has the 40 meter add-on traps, so I’ll have the 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters back in service.
The final item on the tower is the blue/white star.