The club now has a kit for members to borrow to facilitate making contacts via satellite! The kit was created from a donation from Carlos, N4OTX of two HTs, Arrow Antenna, cables, and manual. The kit is now packaged up with a few other items making it useful for fox-hunts as well, and is available […]
Transmitter Hunt
Fox Hunt Review – Oct 2022
On October 8th, 2022, it was a clear morning with a feeling of fall in the air. Having filled our bellies with food from the Country Kitchen, we turned our attention to the task at hand… finding that old elusive foxes! Earlier that morning, K4HZ and W4XXV hid the two transmitters within the confines of […]
Fox (Transmitter) Hunting
Amateur Radio SPORT? (Updated Aug 26, 2022) Next Fox Hunt scheduled (Oct 1st 2022) in Christiansburg, VA, starting at the Country Kitchen around 9:30am. Vehicles needed. Arrive early (8:30 ish) for “pay your way” breakfast. Click for PDF of event details. That’s right… get on your running shoes, sweat bands, and start stretching. We’re going […]
Foxhunt Review – July 2021
![foxhunt crew july 2021](
A Slippery Situation It was suspected that the day was to become a steamy one, but as hams gathered at Bisset Park in Radford, it was more about the gear, helping new hams, and building trust in your equipment. Three foxes were hidden by yours truly, W4XXV, and consisted of two plastic ammo cans, and […]
The Evil Foxhunt 2020
(This is also available in the ARRL Virginia Section Newsletter for December of 2020)Amid all the protections and social distancing of 2020, I have struggled to think of things that we can do for social gatherings and fun, but still maintain a level of safety for the New River Valley Amateur Radio Club. Activities outdoors […]