Last Breakfast Picnic Social and Park Fox Hunt for the Year

Saturday, Nov 14th @ 8:30am, Randolph Park, Dublin, VA

Another COVID-19 friendly event before the real bad weather starts! Let’s get together again for some fun (at a safe distance).

Bring your own breakfast to the small picnic shelter at Randolph Park in Dublin (same place we have the field day activities). Remember, McDonalds and Burger King are just around the corner, so you can always use their brown bags! Bojangles us just up the road as well if you’d like some chicken biscuits!

We’ll meet about 8:30am, just make sure to spread out a bit!

And after eating and trying to remember everyone’s names, we’ll have a small area Fox Hunt!

What better way to get a little exercise after a fine little picnic than stretching your legs with a walk through the park?

For the Fox Hunt, I have a surprise. So, there will be 2 Foxes on 2m. The first will be on 146.580 MHz. The second one will require you to find the first to read the frequency of the second one!

Need help with the Fox Hunt? Don’t worry, we’ll help you figure it out. We all need some practice!